Moog Sonic Six

Quote from Thomas L.
Rhea, Ph.D. from The Moog Sonic Six operation manual-1972:
"The Moog
Sonic Six makes use of technology and design features found on
the largest studio-oriented Moog Synthesizers. Connection of the modules
on the Sonic Six can be accomplished efficiently and quickly with rotary
knobs and slider controls. The Moog Sonic Six
can therefore function equally well as the heart of an electronic music
studio or as a live-performance instrument."
Quote from Larry Benigno
- Sonic Music:
"The Moog
Sonic Six was my first synthesizer. After all these years it
still remains my favorite monophonic synthesizer. There
is a mode which gives the instrument the ability to have one of the
two oscillators 'glide', which creates a sound like no other synthesizer
I've ever heard."
Music" was conceived in 1982 and named
after the Moog Sonic Six.